Zemant Agrocentre is built on a private area of 3,000 square meters 930 square meters of which - covered area - and has an agricultural equipment store; auto service and store for spare parts for cars, Agropharmacy and cоrporate Store Einhell.
Agricultural Machinery store - Garden Machinery (tillers, cultivators, lawn mowers motor saws, etc.)., Agricultural machinery, working bodies, spare parts, tractor sprinklers, pumps, spare parts and accessories, irrigation equipment and accessories, dropping irrigation , hand tools and implements; mini greenhouses, trailers and others.
Auto service and shop for spare parts for cars - Sales and service of tires for cars (new or used), sales and service of truck tires at competitive prices of TORQUE, AELOS, BRIDGSTONE, CONTINENTAL brands; retreading of truck tires with KRAIBURG protector, sale and service of agricultural and industrial tires by the Israel company ALLIANCE; maintenance of hydraulic hoses – CRIMPING at place or express delivery; maintenance of car air conditioners with automatic station; Sale and oil change - CASTROL, PRISTA, TEXACO; sale and replacement of MANN filters; sale and replacement of accumulators, sale of straps for agricultural equipment and cars, sale of NSK bearings, and others.
Agro pharmacy - plant protection chemicals from leading companies - Syngenta, Switzerland, Bayer CropScience, Germany BASF Agro B. C., Switzerland, Daw AgroSciences, USA Makhteshim Agan, Israel; Agria Corp., Bulgaria.
Company store Einhell - Authorized dealer of Einhell Germany AG: power tools, stationary equipment, wood processing, metal working machinery, machinery for processing faience, granite tiles, stone, welding equipment, compressors and accessories, garage equipment, equipment and accessories, garden equipment; Heating and air conditioning equipment, moisture absorbers , gas and electric heaters.