Garden furniture

Building hypermarket - bauMax

Baumax is not only building a hypermarket in the store - to sell products, appliances and equipment for construction, gardening, home and office. bauMax is an international family business which...


Technical hypermarket Bagira

Technical Bagira hypermarket offers wholesale and retail machines, tools, equipment, materials and all kinds of products for construction, gardening, home and office

39 P. Evtimii Blvd.

Household goods, furniture, textiles - Kosev & Co Ltd.

Kosev & Co Ltd. offers household goods, furniture and sportswear

Hristo Smirnenski nbr.

Swimming pool, sauna and jacuzzi - Elis Pools

Swimming pools, saunas, Jacuzzi and whirlpool systems Online shop for: Pools Pool shell equipment Skimmers Overflow Main drains Inlets Pool surround equipment Ladders Exit grab...

37 Yan Hunyadi Blvd.

Wood and Timber - Pavel Doykin Ltd.

Production and trade of wood and wood material Pavel Doykin Ltd deals with production and trade of wood, timber and wood - pine planks, beams, paneling, flooring, shingles, dry planks, sills, doors...

former farmyard

Wooden structures by Sponec

Wooden houses, planks houses, wooden structures, interior wood Sponets Company Ltd. is engaged in manufacturing and construction of wooden houses; style wooden houses, wooden structures, interior,...

74 Tsar Asen Str.

Hardware services Polina Mirkova

Polina Mirkova is company dealing in hardware services - manufacturing, supply and installation of metal doors, doors of residential buildings and fencing mailboxes etc. The highly skilled craftsmen...

Serdika nbr., 1 Kostenets Str.

Garden furniture GUILDIA STROY Ltd.

Production of vibro concrete products for various applications in construction, starting to increase their range, quality and capacity.

Echo, 1 Kahlo Str.

Glass and Glass Mosaic Vitrage BG Ltd.

Vitrage BG is a company specialized in trade with glass and glass mosaic. We have a huge variety of colors in several sizes, we produce mosaic flooring, tiling, decor and accessories with the most...

Lazur, Bl. 121

Concrete products, armored concrete fences Carecom

Carecom Company offers concrete products, construction, armored concrete fences, planting, wood, real estate, transport and equipment rental. Concrete products Armored concrete fences -...


Furniture Repair - Sladuna

Repair, Reupholstering, restoration of upholstered furniture Sladuna Company offers repair, reupholstering, restoration of upholstered furniture - chairs, doors, mattresses, old furniture, benches...

Ovcha Kupel 1, 117 President Lincoln Blvd.

Baev Furniture

BAEV furniture - manufacture of wooden furniture and furniture for home and office BAEV Furniture is an established manufacturer of furniture, household furniture and furnishings for offices and...

10 Skobelevska Str., entrance B

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