Hoods and dust extractors, filters

Technical hypermarket Bagira

Technical Bagira hypermarket offers wholesale and retail machines, tools, equipment, materials and all kinds of products for construction, gardening, home and office

39 P. Evtimii Blvd.

Swimming pool, sauna and jacuzzi - Elis Pools

Swimming pools, saunas, Jacuzzi and whirlpool systems Online shop for: Pools Pool shell equipment Skimmers Overflow Main drains Inlets Pool surround equipment Ladders Exit grab...

37 Yan Hunyadi Blvd.

Dedusting facilities - Ekotekst BG

Participation of Ekotekst BG in BUSINESS-EUROPE.BG - the First European business catalogue

Zvezdica,№7 3 Str.

Dust and ventilation equipment - ZEFIR Ltd.

Dust and ventilation equipment ZEFIR Company Ltd. was established in 2001 specializes in dust-proof and ventilation equipment. Has its own facilities, equipped with machinery for dust collectors, air...

4 Hadji Angel Str.

Interhema Ltd. - machinery and modular systems for industry and households

Interhema Ltd. - machinery and modular systems for industry and households

Sofia, 72 Tsarigradsko Shosse Blvd

METECO JSC - aspiration-dedusting equipment

METECO JSC - aspiration-dedusting equipment

Sofia, Ovcha Kupel, 26 Boriana Str

Hydraulics - Kopa Hydrosystem Ltd.

Hydraulic components and materials Kopa Hydrosystem Ltd. has an annual production of over 70 000 piston and plunger hydraulic cylinders, custom-made, both for the internal and the foreign...

Location: Troyan, 36 Radetski Str. / Shop and factory: Shipka

Capacitors, capacitor batteries, batteries STIMAR Ltd.

STIMAR Ltd. offers capacitors, capacitor batteries, batteries: Capacitors batteries, cosφ regulators, capacitive contactors antiresonance filter reactors, inductors and other components for...

2B Rozhen Blvd.

Industrial, stop and regulating valves Kvant 2011 Ltd.

The main directions of Kvant 2011 are about delivery and distribution of industrial, stop and regulating valves. The company has been around since 1998 and specializes in complex service to...

Northern Industrial Zone

Filter technique, ventilating systems TPK FILTECH

Main activity: TPK FILTECH is a traditional manufacturer of filtration equipment of cell dry filters for air purification in dusty dust areas and installations with a capacity from 15,000 up to...

37/39 Georgi Dimitrov Str.

Klimatehnika JSC - Refrigerating and Conditioning Machinery | Sofia

Klimatehnika JSC - Refrigerating and Conditioning Machinery | Sofia

Sofia, 3 Industrialna St.

Machinery, machine building, installations Hidroplastform Ltd.

Hidroplastform Ltd. is engaged in the manufacturing and trading with machinery and installations. The companys main activity in the field of machine building, is the design and manufacture of...

204 Bulgaria Blvd.

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