Repair machinery for general and special purpose
Mid 2000 Ltd is a company with entirely private capital, founded in 2000 with the main business of repair of machinery and equipment for general and special purpose.
The company is based in Senovo municipality, Ruse. It specializes in two areas: mechanical repairs and electrical repairs. The staff has long and extensive production experience and this allows to meet boldly new challenges. The company policy is focused on quality performance in the short term commitments to our customers.
Rubber transport - bucket elevators and screw - to 8 meters, with external rolling
Feeder - Band and Rotary
Wash drum BP1200
Connectors - Plates and Inelastic
Sieve drum F860, F1200
Hydrocyclone batteries
Centrifugal slurry pump 180 m ³ / h., 40 m st century
belt pulleys
metal flanges
Garbage V = 3 m ³
repair of mining and flotation equipment - excavators, conveyors, feeders, pumps, fans, classifiers, cyclones, screens, crushers, mills, disintegrators, etc..
repair of units of agricultural machinery and road
machining of parts from steel, cast iron and nonferrous metals to F1000 and L = 8m.
production of spare parts for various industries
manufacture of machines and constructions by
Locksmith and assembly services - cutting, bending, welding, assembly, disassembly, etc..
recovery of worn machine parts and units
flux welding of large parts - up to F1000
overhaul of induction motors up to 250 KW
overhaul sleeve transformers up to 630KVA / 20KV / 6KV
repair of DC machines to 6KV
Universal screw lathe - to F1000, L = 8000 mm.
CNC lathe
universal milling machines
Lathe: Poreba - to F1300 and L = 3 m
Universal lathe-column Carousel
Hydro-dredge machine
Horizontal boring lathes
Shaper Machine
Drilling machines
Radial drilling machine
Vertical scrape precision-machine
Flat-cutter machine
Band saw machine
Hydraulic saws
Plates machine - to F1200, L = 3 m
Guillotine - up to 16 mm.
Shaft sheets - up to 16 mm., L = 2000 mm.
Shears combined
Pipe bending machines - F63
Universal grinding machine
Hydraulic press
Eccentric press-
MIG / MAG and TIG welding machines
Apparatus for cutting
Stationary emery apparatus
Apparatus for vacuum recovery of oil
Drying chamber
Laboratory furnaces