Ekzotika Kosevi Ltd. - landscaping creation and maintenance of grass areas
Ekzotika - Kosevi Ltd. is engaged in landscaping creation and maintenance of grass areas and production of vegetation - garden flowers, ornamental trees and shrubs. Ekzotika - Kosevi Ltd. was established in 2005 after structural changes in Ekzotika, registered in 1990. The Companys headquarters is located on the Ring Road in Lyaskovetz town, Veliko Tarnovo District.
Ekzotika - Kosevi Ltd. has extensive experience in landscaping:
- production of garden flowers - perennial flowers, annual flowers, summer flowers
- production of ornamental trees and shrubs
- production of coniferous and deciduous vegetation - shrubs and trees
- design and making of projects for landscaping - landscaping of yards, landscaping of parks, landscaping of gardens, etc.
- landscaping of the created sites - parks, gardens, yards, grass lawns
- creation and maintenance of grass areas
- supply and installation of drip irrigation systems and irrigation systems
- supply and installation of technical networks for agriculture
- construction of reservoirs
Vegetation by Ekzotika - Kosevi Ltd.
- Coniferous trees - Abies alba, Cedrus atlantica, Picea omorika, Pinus mugo and other coniferous species.
- Coniferous shrubs - Calluna, Chamaecyparis pisifera, Juniperus communis, Juniperus horizontalis and other kinds of coniferous shrub vegetation.
- Summer flowers - Catharanthus roseus, Coleus blumei, Gazania mix, Impatians balsamina, Lobelia erinus, Petunia hybrida, Portulaca grandiflora, Salvia splendens, Verbena and other annual flowers.
- Perennial flowers - Ajuga reptans, Alchemila molis, Phlox subulata, Lavandula officinalis and other perennial flowers.
- Deciduous trees - Acer negundo, Acer pseudoplatanus, Betula alba, Magnolia, Rhus typhina, Tillia europea and other deciduous tree species.
- Deciduous Shrubs - Berberis ottawensis, Buddlea davidii, Clematis, Hibiscus syriacus, Wisteria and other types of deciduous shrub vegetation.