Custom Furniture

Household goods, furniture, textiles - Kosev & Co Ltd.

Kosev & Co Ltd. offers household goods, furniture and sportswear

Hristo Smirnenski nbr.

Furniture - BG Pack Ltd.

BG Pack Ltd. manufactures custom kitchens, renovated furniture.

Evropa Blvd.

Furniture manufacturing - Furniture Factory Dimov

Dimov Furniture factory has a main activity furniture manufacturing for your home. The companys products are designed for the bedroom, living room, kitchen, nursery and hall. The unique design...

4 Tutrakan Str.

Furniture Katrandjiev - 72 Ltd.

Design and construction of furniture Katrandjiev - 72 Ltd. is a company started its own business in 2001. We specialists in design and construction of furniture for kitchens, dining rooms, bedrooms,...

1 Academic Kurchatov Str.

Wood and Timber - Pavel Doykin Ltd.

Production and trade of wood and wood material Pavel Doykin Ltd deals with production and trade of wood, timber and wood - pine planks, beams, paneling, flooring, shingles, dry planks, sills, doors...

former farmyard

G & G mebel

Participation of G & G mebel in BUSINESS-EUROPE.BG - the First European business catalogue

Wooden structures by Sponec

Wooden houses, planks houses, wooden structures, interior wood Sponets Company Ltd. is engaged in manufacturing and construction of wooden houses; style wooden houses, wooden structures, interior,...

74 Tsar Asen Str.

Furniture manufacturer Borislav Angelinov Ltd.

Production of furniture by individual project. Complete home furnishing - kitchens, bedrooms, kids’s room, living room, entrance halls, furniture for your office and restaurant. Our company...

обл. Стара Загора, ул. Скалиста №20

Furnishing and furniture Perfect mebel - Troyan Ltd.

Perfect mebel is engaged in the manufacture of furniture of plywood and MDF: bedrooms, dining tables, coffee tables, kitchens, furniture for the dining halls, taverns, art furniture. Through its...

1 Stefan Karadja Str.

Eggs Project Ltd. - furniture, stairs, wood carving

Eggs Project Ltd. offers furniture, stairs, wood carving: Stairs - Mobile stairs, Winding stairs, Space-saving stairs, Steel stairs covering Furniture - Kitchens, Tables and chairs, Cabinets and...

Gara Iskar, №15 5002 Str.

Furniture Repair - Sladuna

Repair, Reupholstering, restoration of upholstered furniture Sladuna Company offers repair, reupholstering, restoration of upholstered furniture - chairs, doors, mattresses, old furniture, benches...

Ovcha Kupel 1, 117 President Lincoln Blvd.

Furniture production | Mebel 94 Ltd

Mebel 94 Ltd is a company with established traditions and profesionalism in the field of furniture production. If you are looking to find a new style for your home, office or hotel, Mebel 94 Ltd is...

Dobrich, 43, 25-ti septemvri blvd

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