TECHNOPOLIS is a chain of specialized hypermarkets for white and black goods, office equipment, and information technologies. There are brought together at one place appliances which make...
Okolovrasten pat
Supermarket and shop online for household appliances Densi
Studentski grad
The Transfer Multisort Elektronik Company was created in 1990 as a little shop run by the family and dedicated to sales of wide assortment of electronic elements for service and small production...
90-951 Lodz 40, PO BOX 2071
AidaNet Rivov Electronics - Computer and Internet Technology AidaNet Rivov Electronics offers products and services in computer and Internet technologies, installation and maintenance of computer,...
12-18 Tsar Kaloyan Str., ent. B, ground floor
Daisy Technology Ltd. offers cash registers, POS systems and equipment, electronic meters and systems for remote reading of energy consumption. Electronic Cash Registers Mobile Electronic Cash...
15-17 Tintiava Str.
Fast delivery to your home or office throughout Bulgaria - free goods for over 300 levs. We offer a wide variety of products: laptops, computers, monitors, printers, MFPs (multifunction devices),...
2 Boychinovtsi Str.
MARTEX Ltd. is specialized in the assembly and sale of computer systems, sale of computer components and peripherals, maintenance and upgrading of computer systems, construction and maintenance of...
5 Kliment Ohridski Str. /against Ekz.Antim I school/
Advansed Business Systems offers sales of computers and peripherals.
Acad Georgi Bonchev Str., bl. 8
ELKOMS Ltd. deals with the sale and service of computer systems and cash registers.
3A Odrin Str.
Tehno Systems Ltd. is a company in the town of Kardzhali, which has a main activity related to trade and maintenance of cash registers, digital scales and different automation systems. The...
Kardzhali, 75 Belomorski Blvd.
Sofia, 21 Tsar Asen Str.
ESD Bulgaria Ltd. - ICT and CNC and automation technology based solutions
Sofia, Dr. G.M. Dimitrov Blvd., bl. 60, entr. G, fl. 1