Cars and garages

Auto Service - Auto HONDA

Auto HONDA - service for Japanese and Korean cars

Zaharna fabrika, 13 Suhodol str.

Auto Service - Elite - Dragomir Petrov

Elite - Dragomir Petrov offers auto and spare parts, assembly parts and engines repair

Piazza freight taxis

Service Center Sofia Bosch Car

Service Center Sofia Bosch Car - offers motorcar repair services Auto Service Centre Sofia Bosch Car offers a full range of repairers services include: Car Care Services, General Services, Undercar...

Iskarsko shose Blvd., 111B

Spare parts for cars and trucks KARALINA 89

KARALINA 89 LTD offers import, sale and installation of spare parts for cars, light trucks and bulky spare parts Sale of original spare parts for American, Japanese and Korean cars. Karalina 89 Ltd....

47 San Stefano Str.

Truck Parts - Nelas Motors Ltd.

Genuine parts and accessories for trucks. Nelas Motors Ltd. offers genuine parts and accessories for trucks.

Plovdiv Str.

Auto care center - Fresh Vehicle

Car wash, car shop and auto accessories Fresh Vehicle is auto care center with car wash, car shop and auto accessories.

4 Dondukov Str.

Auto Service - Eco Motors Auto

Installation of LPG car systems and installation of car alarms Eco Motors Company Ltd. is established in November 2006. Initially its main activity is the installation of LPG car systems and...

Storgozia 30

Springs - Resori Dijon

Resori Dijon offers repair of all kinds of springs.

8 Kamenarska Str.

Dealership - Emo Auto

Emo Auto offers new and used cars, motorcycles, vans, buses, vans, boats

Okolovrasten pat Str.

Тires - ADI 95 Ltd.

95 ADI Ltd sale and offers service of motorcycle and automobile tires and wheels, accessories for ATV and more.

93 Boicho Boychev Str.

Equipment for car wash and auto service - EMVEKO

EMVEKO offers equipment for car washes and equipment manufacturing for industrial maintenance and repair businesses

268 Botevgradsko Shosse Blvd.

Equipment for garages - Garr Agent Ltd.

Equipment for technical inspection stations and garages Garr Agent Ltd. offers equipment for technical inspection stations and garages

152 Prof. Tzvetan Lazarov Blvd.

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